
Thanks for visiting! A bit tired of the normal sense of "horror" I wanted to explore it into a different way. The most terrifying things are always the normal fears, and well, sometimes, things can be twisted as much that can even send shivers down your spine! Right? You think so? That's the kind of horror stories I try to write!. Wanna take a look? Don't judge by titles, dive into each story! I think you can get surprised! No longer than 4 minutes reading each! Go ahead! give 'em a chance! Hope you enjoy!


 What a beautiful life I have had!  

 After securing financial success with several successful investments, things became much easier. I had no longer to worry about the lack of anything, in fact, I could even enjoy many privileges, such expensive clothes, a nice car, dinners in good restaurants, I could even correct my teeth and replace that tooth that when I was young I had lost for a removable piece, which although, it is not the most practical, it is the best to keep it well cared for, at least for me. Oh, and I have also dedicated myself to my great passion, which is traveling.   

After my first trip abroad, I discovered how much I enjoyed it and I promised myself that I would see as many places as I could, and that's what I have done. I have no words to describe how much pleasure I get from getting to know new places, immersing myself in other cultures and being able to deal with people so different from me.   

The feeling of seeing the majesty of the pyramids of Egypt is unparalleled, seeing those buildings several thousand years old makes you think about how insignificant we are, and how short our lives are in comparison.  

 Seeing the Moai of Easter Island up close, those imposing stone statues make you feel shocked. They hold so many secrets that it is impossible to fully understand them, and even more impossible to understand why they are in a place so far away from the rest of the world.   

 In front of Stonehenge you can only think, apart from the beauty of the place, of the intelligence of the people who built that monument with such unusual techniques that even today, we are unable to understand.  

In some African countries I could observe with amazement how wildlife makes its way, and how even in the most unusual places nature keeps up a delicate balance that makes everything work.  

 At Niagara Falls, the feeling of insignificance took on a new meaning. Such enormous and powerful waterfalls can only amaze and astound you and leave you in awe of their enormous beauty.  

 And, in short, each of the places I have visited has had its own outstanding and breath-taking sights that have made every cent spent worth, and every minute spent in such places totally memorable. But always, everything has a less pleasant side, and in my case, it's having to go through so many airports constantly. The whole process of leaving one country and entering another is always tedious.   

And not to mention the baggage check. That's where I always have the most unpleasant moments. The staff is usually very serious, and when they scan the few things I carry with me, I always have to answer, in airport after airport, the same question: "Why do you have a tooth in your luggage? It's pretty standard, really, but it always turns me a little nervous. But after opening my mouth and showing the agents that one of my teeth is missing, they usually assume I've lost it during the trip and don't ask any more questions.   

 Hopefully will never come the day when they check the origin of that tooth I usually take with me when I return home. One for every country I've visited. One for every person I've killed there.