
Thanks for visiting! A bit tired of the normal sense of "horror" I wanted to explore it into a different way. The most terrifying things are always the normal fears, and well, sometimes, things can be twisted as much that can even send shivers down your spine! Right? You think so? That's the kind of horror stories I try to write!. Wanna take a look? Don't judge by titles, dive into each story! I think you can get surprised! No longer than 4 minutes reading each! Go ahead! give 'em a chance! Hope you enjoy!


 My neighbourhood is a very peculiar place, picturesque and full of very particular people. Even though we are all very different, we usually try to get along as well as possible 

We live in a private neighbourhood, with private security, and they keep an eye on the area and also intervene in case there is any kind of conflict here.  

My neighbour Jack is a quiet guy, too quiet maybe, he is an introverted guy who is always scratching his neck due to the fact that, according to him, everything is full of dirt and that makes him feel distressed and upset and he usually prefers to lock himself up and not go out and interact with others. He's a nice guy, but cleanliness is something that obsesses him.  

A little further down the road lives Elly, a woman in her forties who always says she lives with her whole family, but whom we have never seen. Sometimes in the evenings we often hear conversations coming from her property, but no one has ever seen anyone enter or leave her house. In fact, some of us think she pretends to be all those people herself.  

John is the noisy guy in the neighbourhood. He tends to yell quite a bit, even when he's all alone. Someone mentioned that he has a very serious trauma from his past and yelling is his way of enduring it.  

Jamie often tells us stories that none of us really believe. In fact, many of us believe that, if he doesn't have a problem with lying, he probably has hallucinations or something similar, because he always seems to be telling the truth. Despite that, he's not a bad guy.  

Other neighbours are more difficult, such as Hank, a quite difficult subject to deal with, because, although it seems that everything is going well, occasionally his mood can change to become totally aggressive, so it’s best to not interact much with him.  

Also difficult to deal with is the neighbour at the end, Nick, who claims to be the king of the neighbourhood, and according to whom we are all his minions. Some simply assent so as not to confront him, but a few plays along him more seriously.  

One of them is Patrick, who claims to be the royal executioner. On a few occasions he has attacked other neighbours, claiming to be under the orders of his king. The security guards have intervened and there have been no more serious problems, but it is always unsettling to others.  

Lately, things have become a bit tense, after the arrival of somebody new to the neighbourhood; Dan, a charismatic, convincingly speaking but totally normal looking guy. But he and Nick definitely don't get along, and have even formed sides among the neighbourhood, what has caused the security guards have to be on alert all time. At first, I didn't understand the reason for the discord, but little by little it all became clearer. To this day, different schedules have even been established for the use of public spaces in the neighbourhood between members of the different sides. It is strange perhaps to have such a dispute, but when one of the neighbours claims to be the king of the neighbourhood, with several people in his favour, while other claims to be the messiah saviour of the world, and has several followers, I think it’s normal that there can be certain tensions. 


We even have to eat at different times... 

Yes, Sometimes, things in the Mental Hospital can get pretty wild.