
Thanks for visiting! A bit tired of the normal sense of "horror" I wanted to explore it into a different way. The most terrifying things are always the normal fears, and well, sometimes, things can be twisted as much that can even send shivers down your spine! Right? You think so? That's the kind of horror stories I try to write!. Wanna take a look? Don't judge by titles, dive into each story! I think you can get surprised! No longer than 4 minutes reading each! Go ahead! give 'em a chance! Hope you enjoy!


Yes, I can truly say that I feel proud. 

At my age, you can look back with perspective and recognize way easier the things you’ve done wrong, but in reality, in my case, I can feel so much pride. 

I feel proud because, even with the ups and downs in the life, when I was younger, I took the right financial choices that have left me I can provide to my family until the day of today. 

I feel proud of have chosen an incredible woman as my life-mate. I feel proud of her, of she being loyal all these years together, of her being by my side always, of her caring me into that so sweet way and that she ever had been strong enough to face even the hardest moments in our lifes by my side. 

I feel proud of my little child, even when she has almost thirty years old actually, the biggest pride in my life. When she was a child, I tried very hard to teach her what would be the fundaments for her education, the love, the respect, knowing how to appreciate other selves and that kind of things. 

I feel proud because I have been able to see her grow up, see how she was progressing, I've been able to be part of her joys and even her sorrows, I've been able to hear each one of her complains, all of her reliefs, frustrations, fears and insecurities. I’ve been able to see how she progressed in all senses, and how she finally got to finish her studies with excellent grades, much better than I've never could have, and getting a place in a prestigious university. 

I feel proud because, when my daughter started to feel herself attracted to a boy, I was the first person she told it, even before they started dating. I could hear her comments about that guy, a serious person, from a very similar to our family, not an upper class, but respectable, raised in a healthy environment, and surely with similar values to the ones we tried to instil in our daughter, a hardworking, respectful guy who, above all other things, loved her as much as his own life. 

I feel proud of have been there the day of her wedding, of have been able to left her in hands of a great guy, that surely, was going to make her totally happy. 

I feel proud by have been the first person to find out that they two were going to be parents, and my wife and me, grandparents, thanks to the love they both had and continue to having for each other. 

And some days ago, my daughter finally gave birth to our first granddaughter, a beautiful creature, who I wish with all my heart to be able to care of, pamper and cover completely with love, just as any child deserves to live. When I looked at her little eyes, her delicate features, her tiny hands, my heart trembled and my deepest wish was to be there to protect her from everything and everyone. 

Truly, I feel so proud, I don’t have enough words of gratitude for a life of satisfaction as the one I've lived. Truly, it has been worth every minute of life to this day. I have no regrets. 

I don’t regret anything... Except one thing... 

I’ve could express my love to my loved ones way more and into a much better way if only hadn’t taken the car that day after drinking. For surely, I wouldn’t have spent the last twenty-five years of my life muted and totally paralyzed.