
Thanks for visiting! A bit tired of the normal sense of "horror" I wanted to explore it into a different way. The most terrifying things are always the normal fears, and well, sometimes, things can be twisted as much that can even send shivers down your spine! Right? You think so? That's the kind of horror stories I try to write!. Wanna take a look? Don't judge by titles, dive into each story! I think you can get surprised! No longer than 4 minutes reading each! Go ahead! give 'em a chance! Hope you enjoy!


 Sincerely, is not easy to understand how everything arrived to this, so I'll just explain how I lived this situation these latest days. 

During the whole last month, I've been working in the night shift. By one side, there are fewer bosses around watching us, and by the other side, even that is the same work, the pay is a bit better, so, actually, is really convenient. But for some people that does this turn continuously, especially in winter, when days are shorter, the lack of seeing the sunlight can cause certain discouragement and even frustration, that's why the enterprise’s policy has been that, for each worked night shift month, you have to work obligatorily one entire week on the day shift. With this on mind, you can understand that this week I had to work on the day shift. 

I live a house in the outskirts, but not too far away. My neighbours have their house about 400 meters away from mine, and in the back, a forest-covered mountain serves as a real border to my backyard. On the front, I have four cute shrubbery that have grown until one and half meter which a gardener once each two weeks comes to care them. Is a very quiet zone, I've never had any incident or fear here, in fact, it’s totally the opposite, all the neighbours take care of the neighbourhood and everybody lives calm and happy. 

Two days ago, when arrived home a little bit before the sunrise, I noticed a little spider web thread crossing the frontal door, nothing strange, because with that much nature around there, usually you can find a spiderweb where you’re passing by, that’s why for me it hadn’t any importance. I slept all day and a big part of the night, before go working next day in the morning. So, when going out, I was surprised by looking my shrubbery covered with a fine layer of spiderweb, but hurried by arriving late at work, I couldn’t stop to take a closer look.  

When returning, with the last rays of sunlight, the view I had left me more than thoughtful. The bushes that this morning was finely covered with those cobwebs, this afternoon was completely covered with a dense layer of that, and from the entrance of my property, the forest behind my house looked white coloured, as if the whole place was inside a huge and tangled trap. 

I thought into call an exterminator if things got worse, but I didn’t do anything more and I went bed to sleep. 

This morning, when I woke up, the light entered home with some difficult, and while I did my daily routine of switching up the radio, prepare a coffee and go outside to pick up the newspaper, I could hear how they explained in that radio show an alarming lack of insects, rodents and even small birds in the forest that surrounded my neighbourhood, while when I tried to get out from the door to pick up the newspaper, a white, elastic and sticky coating of white and finely traced threads didn’t let me going out. 

Scientists says that, thread by thread, spiderwebs are more resistant than even the steel, and yes, is totally true. I don’t know how dense was that layer, but even with some speed before trying to pass by it, I wasn’t able to. While the radio news kept in the background, I understood into a better way that, in fact, nature always looks for the way to move along. And when a bunch of spiders started approaching me in a threatening way, I realized that, due to their lack of food in their natural environment, they had to gone looking for something else to continue their existence, and this time, their next meal would be me...