
Thanks for visiting! A bit tired of the normal sense of "horror" I wanted to explore it into a different way. The most terrifying things are always the normal fears, and well, sometimes, things can be twisted as much that can even send shivers down your spine! Right? You think so? That's the kind of horror stories I try to write!. Wanna take a look? Don't judge by titles, dive into each story! I think you can get surprised! No longer than 4 minutes reading each! Go ahead! give 'em a chance! Hope you enjoy!


 I’ve ever heard that dreams are, either a manifestation of desires at the subconscious level or an omen of upcoming events. Sincerely, I'm not agreed with any of those two ideas, moreover, I even don’t consider that the act of “reading” the dreams has even make sense, I mean, is like the imagination, so, does it follow any patron or has any kind of sense? I don't think so. Also, if you add the fact that, when waking up, the usual is forget completely all you’ve dreamed, the most logical idea is think that, certainly, it doesn’t have any kind of link with reality. 

This morning, after a bad night, I woke up quite upset, twenty-seven minutes before my clock’s alarm rang, as it does daily. The feeling of myself, looking at the clock, sounded familiar to me, but I gave it no importance, conversely, I forgot it immediately and decided to start my day earlier than usual. 

My day usually is a routine: go to the toilet, wash my face and brush my teeth, turn on the coffee pot, dress me up, have a coffee and two toasts for breakfast, listen the news while I do that and then leave home for work.

Each day used to be exactly the same, so, the feeling of repeating events wasn't really a weird thing. Daily, I walked to the nearest subway station, located about a kilometre and half away from home, passing through a little square, usually empty, and then crossing by a small empty lot, claimed by nature, after several years of being unused. That place was cared for by the council, who was in charge of keeping the grass at an acceptable level, but during the last months, there had been some complaints about the excessive length of these. 

Once I finished getting dressed and started eating breakfast, when I reached my cup of coffee, it slipped from my hand onto the table, spilling my drink everywhere, and this, immediately, was like a flashback in my memory. The coffee falling drop by drop from the table to the floor. Yes, it was exactly like it happened. 

That feeling was weird, no doubt, but it didn’t make me uneasy. So, when turning on the radio, my subconscious decided to remember something else. As soon as I started listening to the show, I said out loud: “I guess now they will talk about the city council has assured that they will take care of the public parks that are somewhat neglected next week”, and after two seconds, the radio announcer said exactly the words I had thought of. “Damn” I thought. I had the feeling that the following events were going to be, at least, disturbing, but it was completely impossible for me to remember my dream, so, all I could do was continue with my routine. I finished breakfast and left the house to go to work. 

The feeling of having seen each of the houses and movements on the street kept flooding me, but until that moment, I couldn’t remember that dream that made me wake up shocked. Until that in some point, I could see clearly a sequence of images in my head. A bald clown with curly and bulky hair at the sides, with dark red contact lenses, a sharpy teeth painted over the lips that made the appearance were more ghoulish than funny, a white clown suit finished with a starched ruff on the neck and an flower of an intense red colour, of those ones that throws you water on his chest, being highlighted in all that outfit, who was making figures with some long balloon for the kids who passed there into their way to go to school, almost at the end of the square. 

That memory was very disturbing, but what left me completely cold was seeing, a few steps forward, exactly the same clown I just remembered. I felt uncomfortable, unquiet and anxious and tried to get through there as fast as possible. Was then when, by being two steps away from leaving that square, just before starting the empty slot, my mind finished remembering that weird dream: While I was taking the last step before entering that path of high grass, I heard a characteristic clown laugh while I felt someone touching my shoulder, I turned to see who it was and then, by turning around, I saw that clown, and from that showy flower, a jet of acid was shot directly towards my face. 

When coming back to myself from that memory, I was already unconsciously turning around, after hearing a laugh and feeling a touch in my shoulder.